Winter 2024
Hello! Merry Christmas! ... What'd you get?!
Ain't that just a shame... Well, better read it anyway...!
A lot of progress has been made on the base frameworks for the game, things such as movement, base UI, and custom lighting are pretty much done. Though, the hardest things to do are still lingering.... Towering above me, menacingly...
...Mainly the level editor! I've got a lot of features in the level editor already But it's FAR from done. All I can really do right now is place tiles and change their materials, but I can't place map objects like buttons down, or create a light at a specific tile! Or set a map spawn point! Or....
I'm in it for the long run... I'll have to finish these frameworks before I start doing anything else for the game.
So yeah, the game is still really barebones right now, I mean there's not even an inventory!
It's gonna take some time before I get the game where I want it, I just hope you'll stay with me during this process.
I'm hoping to maybe bring some people onto the team to help, if you're interested please email me at
Anyway! That's all for now. In the next dev log, I hope to show more progress on things like the level editor and some other things. Thank's for reading.
Have a great night, y'all!